Reports for Scott County, KY

Website submission 3-4-12

Your first name: Sue

Which county? Scott

Estimated date? Feb 24, 2012

Estimated time? 2-3am ish

Nearest city? Sadieville and south

Nearest Road(s):
I-75 southbound

Length of time the encounter lasted: drive by

How many witnesses? 2

Please describe your encounter:

Heading south on I-75, from Michigan to NC, in an area that had no guard rails, a slight upgrade in the road with a right turn at the top of the hill. I saw something huge and shaped like the scruffy cedar type bushy trees, but it was right next to the road. The road commission will NOT allow trees/bushes to grow at the edge of the road. I said,"whoa, I think I just saw a huge animal", my son said he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A car that was ahead of us, suddenly pulled off to the side of the road and started to back up. It was an area that, if I wasn't in a hurry to get to NC, I would have felt safe enough to stop on the expressway and back up just like that car. On our way home on Monday, Feb 27, I tried to figure out where it was that I saw this creature. I can only figure it was somewhere just south of mile marker 71 and unfortunately all the way to mile marker 134. I only tell you of this, because of the other car backing up and if my report will help any other reports that might have happened that weekend, maybe mine can be useful. I still wish I had stopped and investigated, which I believe the other car was starting to do, as I kept driving on by. I am guessing it was 7 to 8 feet high, just standing right next to the white line on the west side of the road. Again, because it was by the white line, I know it wasn't a tree and it was too tall to be a black bear.

Describe the creature with detail: 7-8 feet tall, 3 feet across at the shoulder area, very thick and bulky. No distinct arm or leg shapes to be seen and darker than the dark sky we were in at 2-3am. I can draw a picture of what I saw and of the road curve/incline area views.

Any additional Info? I feel it was closer to the 134 mile marker area, but I wasn't quick enough to take note on mile marker area or exact time. Sorry, I was tired and still had 4-5 hours of traveling to do.

Follow Up 3-4-12

I spoke to the witness over the phone and find her very sincere and credible. She was travelling around 65-70mph when she noticed this 7-8 foot tall hairy creature standing on two legs right next to the white line on the side of the highway. At first glimpse she thought it might be a cedar tree, but as she approached it she could tell it was a large creature. All the trees are cleared away from the highways throughout the state of Kentucky. What sealed the deal for her was when the car in front of her pulled over and began to backup, she knew they had seen the same thing and it was not a tree. Sue wishes she had stopped as well. It was black in color and bushy looking. When asked to describe the head, shoulders and neck, she said "It had very wide shoulders which sloped upwards towards the head with no apparent neck." It stood motionless and it's arms were not noticed, therefore Sue thinks it was just standing there watching traffic, getting ready to cross the highway. There was also a vehicle behind the witness which might of seen it as well. If a witness from one of these other vehicles reads this report, please contact us. The creature never moved and no other details such as facial featured were noticed.

Sue's sketch.

- Charlie Raymond, Lead Investigator

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